Residence Education, Curriculum Plans, Program Models, and more
What’s New at ResLife Portal version 5.1.4

Program Models
Set combinations of Categories to specific residents and staff, using Resident Zones.
This allows you to set Categories for any housing format, such as First-Year, Upper-Class, Graduate, Learning Community, and more.
[Add-On option to Paid Subscriptions]

Curriculum Plans
Track staff member progress towards completing each plan, by automatically seeing their Resident Interactions, Program Proposals, Program Evaluations which occurred within the time period of the plan.
[Add-On option to Paid Subscriptions]

Program Evaluation Historical Trends
Conveniently on the Dashboard, see the Program Evaluations by Day of the Week (bar graph), mashed with Program Attendance by Day of the Week (line graph).
Are your days with the most programs, also the days with the highest attendance?

Add to Google Calendar
With just the click of a button, Add Duty Schedule and Calendar events to your own Google Calendar.

Resident Engagement Report
Enhancement to Resident Engagement Report, showing stacked-bar graph by Program Categories as the x-axis, of Programs vs Non-Programs (Resident Interactions and Resident Notes) as the y-axis.

Resident Zone Stats
See resident engagement stats by Program Categories, summarized across a Resident Zone (a.k.a. a RA’s floor).

My Residents Stats
Similar enhancement to Resident Zone Stats, your RAs can see the engagement stats by Program Categories summarized across all their residents.

Resource Links
Migrated over from version 4. Add website links to resources for all your staff members, located on the Dashboard.

Category Types
Two new category type designations for Program Categories. The category type options are now:
- Primary / Core Category
- Secondary / Non-Core Category
- Passive Program
- Resident Interaction
In reports, program categories with a type of “Resident Interaction” will tally Residents Interactions rather than Program Evaluations.

Quick Assign Staff
A new tool to help quickly assign staff members to Resident Zones.

Join risk-free, no agreements/contracts to sign, cancel at any time,
and start tracking the positive impact of your team: